Friday, June 30, 2006

the right side of the bed

we are spending the weekend in san francisco and my entire office has just been given monday off. this means my weekend just got longer, 4 days long, and i love it.

could it get better you ask? why yes.... TJ's contract with the seattle opera was just extend a year with 6 flights to seattle included. this means he has a job, some stability, and he gets to visit seattle and its records stores every other month.

and to make things better, i found some awesome songs to listen to this morning. I already have a music blog and I promise not to turn this into one. But listen to these and know your day just got better.

Loose Joints - Tell You (Today)(vocal)
Annie - Heatbeat(phones maximo remix)

I'm off to listen to The Beatles.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

breaking points

ever have this feeling? the lost in it all, monotone, mundane, and boring parts of life.

i was muling over a variety of things i have heard the last few days and in the process of entertaining many conversations and ideas to improve my current "wallpaper" state, i came out with one goal...

find a new job

its dragging me down, beating me up, squashing my spirits, and more or less shitting on my every day.

ive been applying for almost a month now and landed 3 interviews all which have either been cancelled or amounted to nothing. (if only SPIN magazine would have hired me - nothing ever works exactly the way you want it to) But for the moment my goal and priority is to find a new job (and a vintage gucci bag for under 300 bucks). The job, where ever it is will lead to a variety of other options and open doors (and the gucci bag will temporary hold me over until i get the job to make me feel better). But first and foremost thats the change i am striving for and focusing on.

good luck to me. i hope i get something good quick. patience is not my virtue.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

step one:

i decided that perhaps i need some place to write my personal thoughts. And seeing that i am horrible at sitting down and writing, perhaps this with serve to keep record of my past days and years. with that said, i am a big fan of playing catch up otherwise known as the background information.

its been a rough week. two weeks. month. two months. to sum things up in one word: disappointing. two words: disappointing and unmotivating three words: disappointing and unmotivating and uninspired. its not that awful things have happen, its just that nothing in happening. i am surrounded by people who are just the same, unmotivatated and uninspired. But they are okay with it, they don't even notice it. in fact, they have been like this for the three years i have known most of them and nothing has changed.

i miss the strive for perfection, the passion to create, the desire to learn and grow and make something. i miss the people that felt the same way, that saw things "differently" that inspired me to see things differently.

its been 105 the last week. this makes it difficult to go outside, to be inspired by what is around you instead of the people. add that to the sinus infection i have and you'll find yourself in a rather stagnate place. and of course, this feeling has dragged on for days and days and weeks.

with that said, i have considered moving to san francisco. in fact, i probably will move there sometime soon (soon being when a job pops up). i had an interview on monday and am keeping my fingers cross but doubtful.

when you get to this place you say to yourself "i need something" when in fact that something is "change." either i will change, the situation will change, or my location will change, but change is something i'm hoping for and definatly looking into.