coffee shops and conversations

I had an hour conversation with my best friend Amy two nights ago. She lives in Sacramento and I met her in my last two years of college. We’ve always been so honest and candid in our conversations. When I lived in Sacramento we would meet at the coffee shop and talk and talk and talk. And something about this simple past time felt so perfect and so right.
The other night we were talking about this along with the fact that it’s hard to find a balance in life. As you grow older you still want to be young and as you gain new friends, new interest, and new hobbies, it’s hard to find a middle ground between all of them. So often we tend to do one thing for way too long, push all other interest and pieces of ourselves aside. And then, not too long after we begin to feel the pieces that make us who we are truly start to die.
I’ve done this with my schooling. Because of the time I spend doing school, I’ve pushed things like taking baths, coffee shop time, reading magazines, listening to records, walking around, taking nacho (my dog) to the dog park, and so many other things, I’ve pushed aside. And though my school does take precedence, I still feel an absent, missing feeling.
This is why I have been so excited about school ending on the 19th. I feel as though I get my life back for a month until school starts again. I got a battery charger for my camera so I can start taking photos again, I got postcards – 3 different kinds – so I can start writing again, I bough cleanly supplies and scrubbed my tub so I can take baths again, and soon, very soon, I will find a magazine store.
Along with this, I leave for New York in 3 weeks and 2 days. My first time there, something so big, so new, I’ve never seen. And then I go to Delaware to visit TJ’s grandma. Good food and the beach. Just two months away. And my mom, she’s coming to visit and I look forward to dragging her around everywhere, taking her to the bakery, the beach, the space needle, the market, the lookout point, Solo, everything.
There is much too look forward to, much to feel alive about, and much to be excited for.