So much to say and so little time to say it all in. Point being, I started school today. And though I have spent very little time checking up on my classes, by looking at the course outline for the next 15 weeks I am excited about what I am going to learn while at the same time horrified at the work. Ha. I really want to excel in this. I didn’t care about undergrad and I care about this. I want A’s, I want to be the teachers pet, I want honor role or honors or what ever it is, I want it all. And I want to be my best, not the best, MY Best. I know I wont do everything right and I have to admit I am intimidated by the fact that others have undergrad degrees in graphic design and so forth while I studied English. But I will work hard, and do great. I know it and more importantly for once in my educational career I want to.

Moving along from school… I got a DOG! And I love him! Nacho is his name and he is the laziest little dog that likes to snuggle under the covers and most importantly he makes me smile.
With all this said, I need to go back to work.
He is so ugly that he's cute! What a sweetie!
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