
I have been slacking perhaps. More of less, I have been exceptionally busy adjusting to changes. Within the last week I have started a new job (finally), moved from a one bedroom to a two bedroom apartment, and attempted to straighten out financial aid just in time for grad school to start in september. Its nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel and all the possibilities that exsist because of it.
I've spent the week adjusting to a new job and moving into the new place. TJ and I spent last night drinking and I hate to use the word reflecting but for lack of a better phrase, we reflected on how we felt about moving. There is so much I could say but I will do my best to limit my idea....
I told tj that I love the new place. Not because it is bigger and "cooler" and merely because of the fact that it is more. But I love it because of what it has allowed me to do. I read (present tense) or read (past tense). I forgot though. For the last 8 months my books have been packed away in the closet with other crap and I never thought about it. But the new space has allowed me to open up all the things that I haven't had to space for and remind myself just exactly who I am and what I love. I love reading. I love books. I love a well crafted sentence. Writing being the essence of communication only one has the time to think, revise, and refine before committing to there use of language. I love it. And today and yesterday I was reminded of that when I pulled down the boxes of books and lined them up on the shelf to stare at every day.
Aside from my books and all that the subject entails, I got to re-visit my magazines. They all have been hidden within the clutter of my old place. But in moving, I dusted them all and got a chance to remember what it is I love about magazines, the paper, the print, the image, the idea. Media.

And fashion. The new place has the most amazing closets. I color sorted TJs shirts in the closet and upon looking at it he said "I feel like I am in Bananna Republic." Now someday I would hope I have 30 closets with Marc Jacobs tank tops, Chanel shoes and purses and sunglasses, Gucci bags, Diesel jeans, little Prada black dresses hanging in them. But for the moment Banana Republic will do and I love the fact that I have a walls length of a closet with my Michael Kors and Gucci bags, my 2 pair of Diesel Jeans, and heels that drive TJ crazy. I love clothes, the evolution of fashion, how things change and reoccur, and recreate the concept. I love it.
To add to all the reminders that surround me and reinforce who I believe myself to be and what my interest are. I finally am getting the internet for my house. With grad school starting it is necessary and getting the internet is a reminder of what is waiting for my with some hard work (a masters degree).
To top it month of work plus the new place means I get a dog. A jack russell terrier to be specific. And I can't wait.
With all this said, I've read two books this week, my work has required I read them..."Raving Fan" and "Who Moved My Cheese". The cheese book is basic but worth the reading. Takes less than an hour. Go get it.
I get the internet on Thursday so hopefully with that I will stay on top of things and be a bit more timely with these post.
With all that being said, I think I am up to date and needless to say for once, in a very long time, I am looking forward to waking up to the sun peeking in the windows, getting my double espresso over ice and blue berry scone, and driving 25 blocks to work tomorrow. I am finally looking forward.
"Forward" such a great concept, very inspiring.
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