feeling a little like this:

so i thought friday was a good day until three o'clock rolled around and the world seemed to shift just enough and in the end i think i got fucked pretty good. i was called into human resources and let go. current status = unemployed. logicly one goes I'll find a new job it will be okay. But last time i checked i live in sacramento and the average job postings for marketing related positions amount to maybe 10 a week. that of which maybe 3 pay more than 11 dollars an hour which is crap. Who the hell lives on 11 dollars an hour, or 12, or 13. last time i checked i went to college for a reason. to get paid more that the people working at starbucks.
Anyways, spent the weekend considering my options aside from the obvious get a job to pay my bills. The options are as follows.
Option 1. Find a job in San Francisco. there are probably 10 postings a day, all of which pay between 35,000 - 48,000. I've only been out of college a year and i'd like to land 40,000 but i think i could survive on 38,000 if necessary. this also means i have to figure out how to get out of my 1 year lease, find a place to live, and move there.
Option 2. take the first job i get in sacramento, even if it is 11 dollars and atleast i will be able to pay my bills and eat. but not much more than that. and i would start the process of working my way up the latter at a job I probably will have no desire to stay at seeing that my field of choice is magazine marketing or advertising and sacramento doesn't offer much for that. If something does pop up in my area of interest of course I would take it but i wouldnt be counting on it(especially seeing that the Sacramento News and Review pay something like 13 dollars an hour to graphic designers which is a joke).
3. go back to school. San Francisco College of the Art. Master of Arts in Advertising. 3 year program = 48,000 dollars. student loans plus grandparents (if i am lucky) = 35,000 worth of debt, a masters degree, 3 years living in the city, a part time job, and some inspiration. But of course there is the debt, getting out of my lease, and finding a place to live.
At the moment I am considering the three. I've applied to jobs in Sacramento, San Francisco, and waiting to see how the job search looks at the end of the week. If by friday I don't feel good about how this is going, I think i might just call up the grandparents and see if they are will to help support me going back to school.
Needless to say, we'll see. Any suggestions.
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