John Lennon and Communion

“in the name of the father, the son, and Lennon.”
“And the Beatles.”
“And the Beatles!”
“John Lennon.”
Last night was a good night. The dancing, the drinking, the music, the company we keep. How my hands burn from the endless clapping, and the arches in my feet have a pulsing sting, my eyes burn from lack of sleep, and my body moves a bit slower today – my mind following some what behind.
We danced, and danced, and danced. The work out run. “Your sweat so sweet.” The shadows on the walls, the broken cocktail glasses on the floor, the bodies moving, and yet a immature, child-like smile across our faces.
Goldfish crackers, top 5’s, “High Fidelity” moments, and you, me, and the Beatles.
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