into the...

I go back and forth between being utterly excited about starting grad school and scared shitless. The idea of starting something new, learning so much, and the constant push to think, design, and express creatively excites me. But at the same time commitment, the fear of failing, and the unknown amount of effort that if going to be exerted leaves me fearful.
Depending on the day my mood fluctuates and I either fill overwhelmed or over zealous I guess. My thoughts go a little like this,
“I can’t wait! I don’t know. I can’t wait! Do I really want to know?
I can’t wait. Can I?”

Something can definitely be said for that not so little place called the unknown and though it leaves me excited for the future, I think it also propels me to fear perhaps a little bit more depending on the day.
Either way, I don’t think you can call this the final countdown… but time is definitely on its way.
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